Kate Boelhauf
Hello there, I am a photographer, cofounder and creator, working on living an intentional life full of wonder, creativity & joy.
Follow My Walks
I believe in the power of walking to inspire change, infuse our lives with gratitude and help us to live in the moment. A few years ago I challenged myself to take 100 walks and it changed my life. I haven’t stopped walking since. When I walk I bring my camera to document but when I am out in nature I am a walker who photographs not a photographer who walks. You can see images from my walks on Instagram at @100walks.
Currently working on
Mega estate sales
I grew up going to estate sales and wanted to give back to the estate sale community by building a site to help make estate sale shopping easy and fun.
Kate and a camera
Photography is my creative outlet. I am currently exploring the relationship between people and spaces and working daily on up-ing my technical game.
learn photography skills
This site grew out of a love for photography but also a desire to up my technical skills. I work on this site with fellow St. Louis photographer Shawn Kenessey.
Contact Me
Looking to collaborate? I am always open to opportunities to collaborate with other builders & artists. Just contact me below with details.